Brand Identity
To coincide with an upcoming move and new building launch, Chicago Tabernacle wanted to refresh their brand identity. The move signified an expansion of the church's presence in the community, as well as the fruition of some long-awaited dreams. However, the church still wanted to maintain who they are at the core, "a place of becoming." I worked with the church's creative team to apply the updated brand.

Initial brainstorming sketches for the logo redesign. The sketch at the top left was the first one I drew and ended up being closest to the final result.
The leadership team loved the image of a potter's wheel, but we opted to go with a circle as a more minimalist approach to convey the same theme, and bring in the potter's wheel imagery through secondary visuals . Introducing the abbreviated "CT" for the logo mark allowed for more versatility, and was less cumbersome than the original logo which featured the full name.

New Visitor Packet
Applying the new brand required many print pieces to be redesigned or updated. The New Visitor Packet was my favorite piece to redesign. Originally just a blank card with questions, we adapted it to be an informational "first look" at who Chicago Tabernacle is, which includes its core values and weekly events. Given to any new visitors of the church, the packet folds out to four panels with the last panel being a tear-away card that the new visitor can fill out.